Thursday, March 15, 2012

Being a klutz and owning an iphone.

I have an iphone. 

Well, i "had" an iphone, my current phone status is in limbo. 
I initially owned a blackberry, my mother bought it for me because she had seen her friends at work drop their blackberries on numerous occasions but they never ceased to function. thanks mom. 
Anyway, that Blackberry was very faithful, until i graduated, when someone gave me the iphone. 
That lasted for a couple of months.... and then i went to college. 
I suppose i should applaud the iphone for lasting longer than one of my relationships (ohhhh shooot, girl) but seriously. I was surprised that it lasted through a couple of accidental drops and the numerous software updates, i was proud. My very own iphone lived to see the daylight, it showed beautiful pictures, and was the medium through which i posted numerous facebook statuses, but the beautiful relationship was bound to end, i was just too in love to see it....
It happened as i was walking, my bag had broken right before my morning class forcing me to carry it in my arms, like a small child. As i was walking back to my dorm, i was conversing with a friend and received a text message... then... my iphone dropped and the screen shattered. 
A little part of me died that day, on one hand i kept telling myself it's just a phone it's okay. On the other hand, i kept telling myself, "IT WAS THE CHOSEN ONE." I acclimated to having a broken phone screen after a couple of weeks, i then bought a digitizer replacement, and had my brother fix it for me.... yeah, he made it worse. 
He ended up demagnetizing my LCD, thus turning the color of the screen black and white :(
As if that wasn't bad enough a couple of weeks after returning back to school after winter break (which was when the phone was initially fixed) i broke the screen again. 
My iphone is now black and white, has broken glass, and now decides when it wants to turn on and off. 
We have a dysfunctional relationship. And my mother just broke the news to me that i have to keep the phone until my parents switch providers. 

Here's to hoping my phone survives 'till October. *fingers crossed* 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Stuff my mom says

"Sarah, never date a guy who rides a bike, bikers are weirdos."

"Don't kiss him, Master's will get mad at you."

"that's weirdo s***."

"Don't you think, you should start wearing makeup?"

"Do you think her kids (The Duggar family from the 19 and counting, or whatever it's called) will all get scholarships?"

sometimes, i don't understand the relation i have to my mother. sometimes, i think i'm adopted. Then she says stuff like this, and it all makes sense. I love my mom, and the things she says make me love her even more. What my mom says is so honest, real, genuine, and even sometimes just out there, but here's the thing she's pretty much saying what everyone else is thinking. And i love that about her. Sometimes it's embarrassing but for the most part, i'm like oohhhhh yeaahhh that's my mom. Everyone that meets my mom loves her, and if you ever met her you would too.
I always tell people that we're the Gilmore Girls meet Mexico, because i mean.... we are. My mom is my best friend and i tell her pretty much everything. She listens and gives me advice, she doesn't judge, she just loves me and tells me what i should do or how i should fix something, and for that i am so very grateful.
This is basically a shout out to my mom.... soooo....  i love you mom.

Have you told your mom how much you love her?

A Thought on Being Mexican

Let clear up some things:
No. i don't have a bunch of girls with names such as "tiny" and "chuni"
No. i don't speak fluent Spanish.
No, i don't live in the ghetto
No, i don't like telenovelas
No, i don't have an accent
No, i didn't hop the border
and No, i didn't have a kid at 16.

Here's the thing, i love my culture and my heritage and the food my race has created. I just don't like how people assume i'm a certain way because of said race. Now, the occasional joke is fine,  but living where I do, where people talk about, "The Mexicans that came and took over the city!" it has some negative implications. I've had people glare me at in the store, some of them tell me i'm a great mother when i'm with children, others assume i love salsa (I hate salsa, and guacamole) 
And let's not sit here and act like making a Diversity Club is going to make anything better because it's not going to. I find diversity clubs to be annoying and pointless, "hey! let's diversify!" Let's not. Actually you're ostracizing people. Diversity happens, don't be against it. Now sometimes it takes a brave soul, but here's the thing when you set out to racially diversify a place it makes people feel awkward and frankly it's a little bit racist. It just creates this perpetual cycle in which we can't escape from the racism, we're trying to get rid of, we end up making it even worse. 
i love being Mexican. But don't assume things because I'm Mexican, it's racist and offensive. Now i'm not going to act like a typical person speaking out against racism, i think you can be racist against white people just as much as you can against blacks or mexicans, i'm just saying let's not assume things.

Here are some things i can do:

I can make salsa and guacamole that is, according to sources, killer.
I can wear flowers in my hair and look awesome.
I can sing in Spanish
I can roll a burrito

But, those are just the stereotypical Mexican things....

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Takings Notes With a Laptop in Class

Don't do it.
I'm telling you, i'm doing it right now for my statistics class and you can see how helpful it's being.
Although i will admit i actually enjoy being able to surf facebook and not being productive during class.
i have Spanish next, should we try the laptop method again?

Monday, February 20, 2012

"Finally Legal!"

I can't be the only person that's irked by people who legitimately get excited about turning 21, even though they've been partying since they were preteens.
Here are my thoughts when those people expect me to be happy for them, "Seriously, you've already been drinking. I don't see the point in making a big deal over you being legal when you've been living like you are already."
I get it, you can finally order wine like mommy and daddy, you're still annoying.
Also, i hope you enjoy it because this is the last time birthdays mean anything. Well this and 25, because then you can legally rent a car. But you probably already do that because you're soooooo hardcore.

Also, your liver will hate you at some point in your life. Just saying.

Friday, February 3, 2012

That Awkward Moment

Guys, i embarrassed myself today. Like, i'm kind of legitimately ashamed about it. Okay, now that i'm thinking about it i probably embarrassed myself twice today. I hate these moments, why you may ask? and i'll tell you why.... because i.... don't know. 
Sometimes, actually, more often than not, i do things without actually thinking them through. Which isn't totally a bad thing, it means i'm spontaneous... and fun, you hear that boys? just kidding. While i like being able to just do stuff whenever or say whatever pops into my head at the moment at the same time i've found that it's embarrassing because i imagine scenarios before i talk about something so i've already imagined the situation playing out in my mind while the person i'm talk to has not. if i'm being totally honest i  have no idea what i'm talking about right now because this post has essentially turned into one giant rant.... so. Yeah.
Oh... embarrassing myself!
Okay. So anyway i embarrassed myself and it was well.... humiliating. Normally i know how to respond to situations, you know, i can deal with certain problems or concerns that come up, but i just couldn't respond, i'm stuck sitting there smiling like a dork because i think it's a hilarious situation while the other person is sitting there thinking, "what in the heck just happened?" I smile through it because it's like honestly what else am i going to do? i realize that this is awkward that's what makes it hilarious. 
So, in the awkward moments, smile and keep on keeping on. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

No, creepy family member, i will not add you....

Okay, i can't be the only person that gets random friend requests from family members that claim to remember when, "you were just a baby!"
If you're one of those family members, I URGE you to not creep out your family members by sending them a fb message / friend request. Because honestly chances are they probably don't know who you are, and if you know them when they were just a zygote i wouldn't expect them to remember that.
I appreciate being able to connect with family, i just find it weird when some random family member tries to add me..... i don't know, maybe that's just me.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Being Told You're Fat By Your Doctor

the above is a link to calculate your BMI. Your BMI is your Body Mass Index, it takes into consideration your height and weight and gives you a score, and according to that score you can determine whether or not you are at a healthy weight.
Anyway, so i went to go see the lady doctor today and after answering a few of my questions she took a look at me and said, "how much do you weigh?" To which i answered. "blank" and she said, "and how tall are you?" "five foot two AND A HALF!" She then proceeded to tell me that i was too heavy for my height, and that i needed to lose around 20-25 pounds. I tell you, ladies and gentlemen, my heart practically dropped into my stomach. What the heck. 20-25 pounds? I've never felt that bad about my weight ever. ever. EVER. i've always regarded myself as a Mexican Marilyn Monroe.... when it came to curves anyway.... i definitely don't have the sex appeal. Or the whole Marilyn Monroe thing going on....
So, one of my goals for the semester is to lose weight, so i can be "healthy"my other goal is to get good grades and make my asian ancestors proud. This means... a lot of salad, fruits, vegetables, and the very much dreaded, EXERCISE. Yes, ladies and gentlemen. Gator will be walking, and maybe running... so .... i mean. yeah.
Boo weight gain!

Also, upon further research i found that most Drs. find the BMI chart to be obsolete because you can't tell when someone is fat or muscular... clearly, i'm the latter.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


one the most important things in life is laughter.
I've laughed so much in the past few days that my ab area hurts when i sneeze, it's the worst. You may be wondering, "Sarah, how do you know that this pain is from laughing?" To which I will answer thee, "there is no other kind of work out that my abdominals get!"
But my lack of physical activity is beside the point, everyone needs to laugh a little bit more. I agree life is a serious thing, kind of... sort of, either way everyone needs to laugh more.
I have the innate ability (induced by homeschooling) to make myself laugh. Which honestly isn't a bad quality to have, although it does get a little awkward when you're attempting to explain what it is you're laughing at and no one else understands your sense of humour.
So, this is a kind reminder telling you to laugh more, because when you're laughing everything seems a little bit better.... until reality sets in.... but then you just laugh some more and deal with it.

want some laughs? check out these websites:,, and

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Back to freedom... not really.

I managed to check into my dorm today, all moved in, nothing is properly organized... as usual. So far, so good, I will admit it genuinely bugs me when everyone starts asking me how my break's been going. Why don't you just ask me some other random question (acceptable questions include the following: "How 'bout them Dodgers?" seen any good movies?" etc.)
I've decided that it will take me some time to adjust again. I don't care who you are or what you believe. Hanging out with family and hanging out with friends are separate experiences. Having come back to school after a month and a half with my family I realize that I'm going to have to get out of my shell again. My family understands me on a level that a lot of people will never know or experience, while that's fine, I realized that I have to work on reaching out to other people's see with family, one can simply walk away and come back and all is well, it isn't the same way with friends.
So, here's to a semester of working on relationships!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Girls complaining

Being born into a family with four boys, you kind of pick up some things. So this goes out to my fellow ladies, a few pointers, if you will.

1. don't make a big deal out of every little thing. Not only does this annoy the heck out of me but i can guarantee it annoys your boyfriend or someone you're interested in that much more.

2. Communication is key, now that i think about it, this should probably be number one, but i don't really care enough to click and drag it. Listen, when you have  problem, go and tell him don't leave him guessing, in my opinion, you don't have the right to be mad at him until you've told him why you're mad, upset, etc.

3. He can't read your mind. Refer to the above tip.

4. When he's with his friends, let him hang out with his friends, no, a text isn't a bad idea, but calling and texting repeatedly? that's just not cool, bro.

5. don't be jealous when he's hanging out with his friends that are girls, do you like when he gets upset about you hanging out with your friends that are guys. (side note: you have every right to get pissed when they're hanging out time is almost innappropriate)

6. don't be sleazy that's just not classy. Seriously? leave some room to the imagination. You're not making them like you more you're just objectifying yourself. as cliche as that sounds.

addendum to tip #6: if you're sleazy they probably don't like you because of your "totally awesome personality"; they like you because they think they'll get something. Please. think more highly of yourself.

7. talking and texting on your phone ALL the time is annoying (just a general how to act in public tip)

8. be cool and keep it classy.

Also, if this offends anyone.... actually, i don't care.

Being Antisocial

So. i love people i just don't like them very much.

People seem to think that because i'm loud and write an incoherent blog i must want to talk to anyone and everyone and clearly i must want to hang out ALL the time. Falso. I appreciate and cherish my alone time.  Don't ask me every single time you get the chance "what's up?" or "how are you doing?" Dropping off the face of the planet is one of my 2 talents, the other is obsessing over old tv shows, so let me be.
As i get closer and closer to returning to school i've realized that i have to trade in my shell for a smile and
happy disposition.

Will report on the trade later.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Addendum to The Shorter Posts.... Post

Fact: i am currently craving a donut at 3:38 AM

a nice twist coated with sweet and soft sugar. 
Or perhaps a jelly filled one topped with powdered sugar.
I could even consume a crumb covered donut.

I normally find donuts to be disgusting and indulgent but they actually sound delightful right now. Ah the joys of late nights :)

Shorter Posts

You know i should learn to be a little more comfortable with shorter posts. So let me give you some mundane facts about today.
Fact: ate a taco, Mexican rice, and frozen yogurt.
Fact: watched a LOT of The Closer today
Fact: my mother and I were laughing at something we both found funny and we both snorted at the exact same time.
Fact: my brother and I are probably the most insociable people you will ever meet.
Fact: none of the above facts affect (or is it "effect?".... CURSES) you or your life.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Learning How to Cook

Going to college has made me grateful for having a kitchen. Yes, this will show how much I like the kitchen thus perpetuating the woman stereotypes. 
Over break i've perfected my red velvet cupcakes and cookies.... kind of. Earlier today my brother asked me, "What do i set the oven to?" I asked him, "for what? what are you baking?" To which he said, "cookies! what else do we bake in this house?" And he's right our oven is pretty much the birthplace of all things sweet and delightful while the stove holds the key to making delicious Mexican food and other dishes. 
As the date to move back into my dorm looms closer and closer a few things remain clear and inevitable:
1. i will not have an oven
2. i will be reduced to eating crappy cafe food. :(
Cooking is something that I have taken for granted, when i was younger i used to think it was one of the most difficult time consuming, unrewarding activities one could do. I didn't really understand how "cooking" could be a hobby, it all makes sense. As a woman, i have no problem saying "i like the kitchen" i won't go so far to say that that's the only place i belong, although i know many who would disagree. 

Microwaveable Food

I find freezer food to be very, very, VERY convenient.
well, you know why. It literally only takes 5 minutes to "cook" a meal that would normally take a few hours.
Now, i will admit that some of it just does NOT sound like a good idea. For example, i find the sloppy joe sandwiches to be disgusting. Or what about microwaveable breakfast hot pockets? yeah. that's not cool bro. But being a college student most of my meals come from either the freezer, or the oh so sacred cup of noodles. I wish my mini refrigerator had a bigger freezer, because it didn't really dawn upon me until mid semester that i could be eating more frozen food. It would make everything so much easier, really, i say that because then I wouldn't feel so pressured to eat from my cafeteria like it would be my last meal. I love my college, but seriously? some of their food is not the best.
Costco offers some of the best frozen food selection there is as well as Trader Joe's...