Monday, January 16, 2012

Girls complaining

Being born into a family with four boys, you kind of pick up some things. So this goes out to my fellow ladies, a few pointers, if you will.

1. don't make a big deal out of every little thing. Not only does this annoy the heck out of me but i can guarantee it annoys your boyfriend or someone you're interested in that much more.

2. Communication is key, now that i think about it, this should probably be number one, but i don't really care enough to click and drag it. Listen, when you have  problem, go and tell him don't leave him guessing, in my opinion, you don't have the right to be mad at him until you've told him why you're mad, upset, etc.

3. He can't read your mind. Refer to the above tip.

4. When he's with his friends, let him hang out with his friends, no, a text isn't a bad idea, but calling and texting repeatedly? that's just not cool, bro.

5. don't be jealous when he's hanging out with his friends that are girls, do you like when he gets upset about you hanging out with your friends that are guys. (side note: you have every right to get pissed when they're hanging out time is almost innappropriate)

6. don't be sleazy that's just not classy. Seriously? leave some room to the imagination. You're not making them like you more you're just objectifying yourself. as cliche as that sounds.

addendum to tip #6: if you're sleazy they probably don't like you because of your "totally awesome personality"; they like you because they think they'll get something. Please. think more highly of yourself.

7. talking and texting on your phone ALL the time is annoying (just a general how to act in public tip)

8. be cool and keep it classy.

Also, if this offends anyone.... actually, i don't care.

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