Friday, February 3, 2012

That Awkward Moment

Guys, i embarrassed myself today. Like, i'm kind of legitimately ashamed about it. Okay, now that i'm thinking about it i probably embarrassed myself twice today. I hate these moments, why you may ask? and i'll tell you why.... because i.... don't know. 
Sometimes, actually, more often than not, i do things without actually thinking them through. Which isn't totally a bad thing, it means i'm spontaneous... and fun, you hear that boys? just kidding. While i like being able to just do stuff whenever or say whatever pops into my head at the moment at the same time i've found that it's embarrassing because i imagine scenarios before i talk about something so i've already imagined the situation playing out in my mind while the person i'm talk to has not. if i'm being totally honest i  have no idea what i'm talking about right now because this post has essentially turned into one giant rant.... so. Yeah.
Oh... embarrassing myself!
Okay. So anyway i embarrassed myself and it was well.... humiliating. Normally i know how to respond to situations, you know, i can deal with certain problems or concerns that come up, but i just couldn't respond, i'm stuck sitting there smiling like a dork because i think it's a hilarious situation while the other person is sitting there thinking, "what in the heck just happened?" I smile through it because it's like honestly what else am i going to do? i realize that this is awkward that's what makes it hilarious. 
So, in the awkward moments, smile and keep on keeping on. 

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