Monday, June 13, 2011

Dallas. Day 1

Texas pretty much rocks my socks. We arrived yesterday, today and marks our first full day in Dallas, Texas. So far i'm really liking this state, in spite of the fact that i woke up at 1:00 PM today. the flight was interesting to say the least, being a first time flier, i expected flying to be a lot easier than it really was. the guy behind me wouldn't let me recline my seat and the ladies in the rows next to my mother and I kept glaring at us.
So far, a lot of the people that we have come into contact with have been nothing but sweet and nice. I'm liking the feel of Texas because everything's at a slower pace, people aren't rushing around the place freaking out over something, people aren't rushing other people. it's nice. I actually like Texas. i never thought i would like Texas only because 1) i don't like horses. 2) never been a fan of cowboys and 3) it always seemed like a barren state. WELL BAM SARAH. i really like Texas. have i said that already? well if i havent I SHALL REPEAT MYSELF. i really like Texas. anyway i suppose i shall get ready for the afternoon and go explore the hotel so i don't get lost during rounds tomorrow. oh side note: the waiter at Chipotle last night. was really cute.

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