Sunday, May 29, 2011



to me they are unneccessary, and i'm not taking about the labels on cans of food because those labels are very useful, VERY useful. i'm talking about the label we put on ourselves, our relationships and our peers.

Labels are a sad thing to use, here's why: because we begin to put people into a box and stereotype them all according to their mannerisms, decisions, whatever. and it reaches the point where it becomes almost impossible for these people to break free from the boxes that we've stuck them in. and honestly i'm just as guilty of this as the next person, and i find it ironic because it seems as though a large portion of our life is spent breaking free from the system and learning to break away from the boxes. our culture at it's core reminds us that we cannot be defined. that we are, essentially, unique and no person is exactly like each and everyone of us. and yet so easily we label someone as a "whore" or a "nerd" or a "jock" or an "emo"

Now you may be asking "oh wonderful Sarah, why do we do this?" to which i answer the fact that i think that we do this simply because we are comforted by knowing what someone is and what to expect from this person because of what we've defined them as. we call people we're dating boyfriend or girlfriend because it implies that it is exclusive and that the relationship is between the two of you and no one else.

We're comfortable with labels because with labels. we know who we are. where we stand. what we stand for. with labels there is no question. And we've reached the point where we're comfortable labeling others because when we've defined someone we know what to expect from that person. hey. i'm game for like labeling relationships thats cool. whatever floats your boat. but come on. leave a little wiggle room.

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